Friday 9 August 2013

How Instagram Is Enhancing Summer's Biggest Music Festivals

Instagram is going musical this summer, finding a home at various music festivals around the globe.

Through a partnership with Instagram, several major festivals - including Chicago's Lollapalooza and Bonnaroo in Manchester, Tenn. - have displayed festivalgoers' images on jumbotrons and onstage monitors during their events.

At the Outside Lands music and arts festival in San Francisco this coming weekend, Instagram videos will also be shared on jumbotrons around the festival - a first for video content from the service.

Whereas previously, users may have only seen Instagram shots of the festival taken by their friends, both photos and video tagged with #outsidelands have the potential to be shared with attendees, as well as with people around the globe who want to tune in to what's happening at the event.

At the Essence Music Festival in New Orleans last month, there was a segment each night dedicated to showing Instagram photos from attendees on the main jumbotron stage. There were also social-media screens at high-traffic points throughout the Convention Center where the festival was held. Likewise, at the CMA Musical Festival in June, more than 50,000 photos were tagged #CMAfest and shared on jumbotrons.

Social integration at concerts isn't just limited to sharing image on the big screen. At Bonnaroo in June, attendees could pair their concert wristband with Facebook. When scanned at a particular stage, the wearer could check in on Facebook, including the name of the artist who was playing on stage at the time of the check-in.

Outside Lands attendees will have a similar opportunity. Esurance is sponsoring " insider bands," which use NFC technology to allow attendees to check in at different shows, send messages to friends and upload pictures to Facebook, photobooth-style.

Social integration is also extending to television. The Country Music Association has partnered with ABC and Mass Relevance to create the first-ever broadcast television Instagram integration. Set to occur during the CMA Music Festival: Country's Night To Rock (a TV broadcast of the concert) on Aug. 12, fans' Instagram photos tagged with #CMAfest will show on-air in real-time during the show, and will include images both from attendees at the festival and viewers from home.

What do you think of festivals incorporating Instagram photos and videos into their presentations at festivals? Do you want to see your or others' pics displayed on the big screen? What about on TV? Let us know in the comments.

Image: Wikimedia Commons

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